A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Trade Interchange!

Written by: Amy Cornforth Posted On: 12/19/2022

At Trade Interchange, we deliver supply-base confidence through a streamlined solution, but we also enjoy celebrating the festive season!

Our Christmas tree is up and decorated, and mince pies and pumpkin spice syrup for coffee have been added to our snack options. Many of our employees have even been taking part in a ‘festive film’ challenge.

Each week, challenge participants are assigned a new Christmas film to view, and then discuss during our twice-weekly Fika breaks.

From there, our festivities only began to increase, with our end-of-year company update, and Christmas celebration!

We kicked off the celebration’s festivities in the office, with some Christmas drinks. As we now operate with a hybrid model, it was a pleasant change to have more of the Trade Interchange family in the same place, at the same time. Then we began the company update, which involved a member of each department presenting the teams’ achievements for 2022. This included the launch of our brand-new module ARCUS® Analytics, our successful ISO 27001 audit, and the expansion of our Environmental, Social and Governance offering through APIs, and a tailored demo-site, for prospective customers who wish to see how ARCUS® can deliver a visual overview of their supplier ESG information.

It’s fitting that our Christmas party took place directly after our update, as it was evident that there was a lot to celebrate!

As we waited at the office for our bus to the Riverside Stadium, we had a special appearance from Santa himself for the trading of our office Secret Santa gifts! He was generous enough to take time out of his busy schedule to visit the office and hand them out!

After that, we took our bus over to the Riverside Stadium, and began our yearly Christmas quiz!

Every year at Trade Interchange, we have an annual Christmas quiz, with each team selecting a theme, and putting together costumes surrounding this theme. This year included A Christmas Carol, and Santa Babies, which posed some very fun and festive costume choices! After our Christmas quiz, we had our Christmas Dinner, before dancing the night away!

The celebrations were much deserved. A well done to everyone for their hard work making this a successful year at Trade Interchange!