Posted: 26/06/23

Source-to-Contract Factsheet

ARCUS® is the only platform you need to efficiently manage information on your suppliers, including Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data, in a single, connected source-to-contract solution.


ARCUS® modules cover a range of supplier management activities, including tenders, through to contract management and Analytics.

When modules are utilised in a single, connected source-to-contract solution, users benefit from a comprehensive and holistic approach to sourcing. The solution increases
visibility, enhances accessibility, operates using one single source of supplier data, and allows you to track supplier progress over time.

Benefits of implementing ARCUS® as a Source-to-Contract solution include:

    • Reduced Administration
    • Increased Confidence in Data Accuracy
    • Effective Risk Management
    • Enhanced Visibility

    Features include:

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Integrations
    • Task Intelligence and Auto-escalation
    • Efficient and ARCUS® Data Exchange

    You can learn more about ARCUS® as a source-to-contract solution by downloading the factsheet. To learn more about the solution in practice, you can read our case study here.

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