Smarter Working in Supplier Management

In supplier management, time is too frequently lost to inefficient methods of managing supplier information. This results in overblown amounts of repetitive administration and data-rekeying. ARCUS® Supplier Management Software eliminates the need for repetitive administration with smarter working, which gives you valuable time back in your workday.

Using smart technologies, you can streamline your supplier management processes, so your teams are operating with the utmost efficiency. This relieves capacity within the workforce, that can be redirected to more challenging projects. 

By working smarter, utilising technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and API integrations, you can relieve task pressure can within supplier management teams, so there is more time available to work on more challenging projects.

How can ARCUS® increase Smarter Working?

  • Digital transformation of source-to-contract processes
  • Automated reminders for both suppliers, and stakeholders
  • Artificial intelligence document validation
  • Configurable questionnaires for data collection
  • Data integrations for seamless transition of information
  • Workflows automating supplier management processes
  • Data visualisation with ARCUS® Analytics