Adopt a Holistic Approach to Sourcing with Comprehensive Source-to-Contract Software
ARCUS® is the only single solution you need to efficiently manage information on your suppliers, including Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data. Our source-to-contract software modules streamline and digitise every stage of the process.
When these ARCUS® modules are utilised in a single solution, users benefit from a holistic, collaborative approach to sourcing through a centralised repository of supplier data.
Using the central storage facility, information can be quickly displayed to both external auditors, and internal stakeholders.
About Source-to-contract:
When you utilise ARCUS® modules in a single, connected source-to-contract solution throughout a user-friendly system, you benefit from a comprehensive and holistic approach to sourcing that saves time and mitigates supplier risk.
Moreover, the solution increases visibility, enhances accessibility, operates using one single source of supplier data and allows you to track supplier progress over time.
What are the Benefits?
- Time-savings with reduced administration
- Demonstrate supplier alignment across source-to-contract
- Tried, tested, and quick implementation
- In-built disaster recovery
- All notes stored alongside supplier record
- Manage other SRM risks
- Configurable questionnaires with tiered and branching questions
Why ARCUS® Source-to-contract?
Artificial Intelligence
Verify documentation during tender and onboarding with 99% accuracy.
Task Intelligence
Automate and configure approval workflows and embed process with auditable & traceable workflow tasks.
Pull data from official sources with API integrations.