Big Energy Saving Week 2022

Written by: Amy Cornforth Posted On: 09/20/2022

Big Energy Savings Week is a campaign created by the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments with the intention of helping households reduce the level of energy […]

Big Energy Savings Week is a campaign created by the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments with the intention of helping households reduce the level of energy used, as well as the environmental and financial issues that arise from overuse of energy, particularly energy that is wasted. With more people working from home, this has a great deal of relevance, as individual households are likely to be using more energy simply by being at home a great deal more than they would have before the pandemic.

Some actions which are suggested to be undertaken to reduce energy in your home, according to greenmatch includes:

• Turning off lights when leaving a room
• Unplugging devices when they aren’t in use
• Reducing water consumption
• Getting a smart meter

However, individual households aren’t the only people who need to look at reducing their carbon footprint. Many companies represented by the Food and Drink Federation, have signed up for the race to zero scheme, with the aim to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. To achieve these ambitious, but much-needed targets, companies will have to take larger action than simply turning off a light before leaving a room.

To achieve net-zero targets by 2040, companies will need to take wider action, and this will include collecting sustainability information from their suppliers, to assess the extent of their scope 2 and 3 emissions.

ARCUS® Supplier Information Management (SIM) allows companies to easily and efficiently collect accurate information from their suppliers, including sustainability information. Configurable questionnaires can be sent to and completed by suppliers directly, to ensure that companies are collecting all the supply base sustainability information they require.

Automated reminders sent to suppliers ensure that the information is up-to-date without having to spend large amounts of time chasing suppliers for information, and documents are scanned and verified at the point of upload using artificial intelligence to ensure compliance.

To learn more about ARCUS® SIM and sustainability, have a look at the Whitbread case study.

National Drink Wine Day 2022: Wine aren’t you optimising your product information management?

Today, the U.S.A is celebrating National Drink Wine Day and the properties within wine that could be beneficial.

With a rich history over the years, Wine has become a part of culture, and a popular drink of choice down at your local pub that is only growing in popularity. According to WineGB, wine sales in 2020 grew by 30% and visits to wineries and breweries grew by 57% on average.

However, with the ever-growing popularity of wine, it’s incredibly important to ensure your product information on your alcoholic beverages is accurate and up to date to ensure the safety of your consumers and reduce risk in your supply chain. However, maintaining an expansive database of product information is easier said than done.

Beverage organisations are using ARCUS® PIM to collect and manage their product information.

ARCUS® PIM is a centralised database where companies can automate the process of collecting information from their suppliers regarding their products, whilst reducing supply chain risk and ensuring compliance, by helping to ensure that product database are up-to-date and accurate.

If you would like to know more about how ARCUS® PIM can solve your pain points, contact us at Trade Interchange today to book a call.