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Digitise Supplier Management Processes with ARCUS®
ARCUS® Supplier Management Software assists organisations with managing their supplier management processes, to ensure they get the best value from their suppliers and a streamlined approach to managing them, regardless of industry.
Trade Interchange's ARCUS® supplier management software supports a range of supplier management processes for many prestigious blue-chip clients around the world in a range of sectors.
With a 9-week implementation timeline and a user-friendly interface, the software is developed at our Teesside head office in the UK, the system has multiple applications which create value across multiple departments within an organisation, from procurement and sourcing to quality management and new product development.
With such brands as Whitbread, Sodexo, Tower Supplies, and Punch Pubs seeing success using the system, find out more about how we work hard to ensure that your supplier management processes are as efficient as possible in our guide.